Northland CAPS Student Application For the 2025-26 School Year Although the priority deadline has past, we are still accepting applications Name * Legal Name First Name Last Name Mailing Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Student Cell Phone * (###) ### #### Email (NOT SCHOOL EMAIL ADDRESS) * Date of Birth * MM DD YYYY Parent/Guardian Name * First Name Last Name Parent/Guardian Email * Parent/Guardian Phone * (###) ### #### Additional Parent/Guardian Name First Name Last Name Additional Parent/Guardian Email Additional Parent/Guardian Phone (###) ### #### Current High School * Excelsior Springs HS Home School Kearney HS Lathrop HS Lawson HS LEAD Liberty HS Liberty North HS North Kansas City HS Northland Christian HS North Platte HS Oak Park HS Park Hill HS Park Hill South HS Platte County HS Smithville HS St. Pius HS Staley HS Winnetonka HS What grade level will you be in for the 2025-26 school year? * 11 12 Which section would you prefer AM (7:30 am - 10:00 am) or PM (12:00 pm - 2:30 pm)? * AM PM Either Semester * Full Year Fall Only What strand are you interested in for the 2025-26 School Year? * Business Accelerator Digital Media + Design Engineering + Advanced Manufacturing Global Business + Logistics Medicine + Healthcare Technology Solutions What strand would you be interested in as a back up? None Digital Media + Design Engineering + Advanced Manufacturing Global Business + Logistics Medicine + Healthcare Technology Solutions What industry or career field do you want to work in when you grow up and why? * Why do you want to join Northland CAPS compared to other options thorough your school? * Why do you believe we should select you for the program over other qualified applicants? * Thank you for applying! Applicants will be informed of their acceptance in March of each year.